Book Your Treatment at Mandalay Sensoria Spa

For your convenience and privacy we operate a ‘by appointment only’ system.

You can access our booking system here or by calling 01829 470 570 or emailing

Many clients book months in advance and as we have a busy appointments diary, we do request that should you need to change your appointment you give us as much notice as possible so that we can release appointments to clients on our waiting list.

We would be grateful if you could give us at least 48 hours notice, otherwise we regret that our booking system will automatically charge a 50% cancellation fee if it is within 48 hours and 100% if it’s within 4 hours.

It is never pleasant to ask clients to pay full price for missed appointments and we prefer not to do so, but we do need to make charges to enable the continuation of our business. Thank you for helping us in this matter.

If you need to change or cancel an appointment, just call or email to let us know if you can’t make it. If we are closed, you can leave a message as it will be time-stamped. We provide a complimentary text message appointment reminder message so you are reminded of your appointment.